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an overview of her. ♥

Hello, the name is Bea. 13 years young. A proud Filipina. A girl who's dying to see snow. LMAO. I love books, music and especially PHOTOGRAPHY. :) I'm a twilight-obsessed person. Please do read my blog and if you like it, you can hit me a message below in the TAGBOARD. ENJOY! :D

Brother HL5250DN
Brother HL5250DN


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My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)
LOL yes, ACCOMPLISHED. I've finished a lot of PACES this week. Haha. I'm proud of myself. :D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I totally love this day. First of all, when I was still snoozing, at around 6:00 AM, Krizziel's mom called in my house and our helper picked it up and Krizziel's mom told our helper that she's not going to school because the street going to our school was flooded and the water was about up the neck so like, yeah. And of course, we CANNOT go to school. I mean like, on mornings, we travel on going to school by Jeepney. And what if we would get stranded in the middle of the street and there's flood? So yeah. My mom told me not to go to this school because of the weather condition.

It's pretty weird because I hung out with my best friends at Saturday; we watched a movie at my place called 'Hills Have Eyes UNRATED'. It's pretty brutal and gory that the rated one, because at that edition, you really see the gory and brutal parts and we were like, jumping our seats off. Daymmm.. it was really disturbing. Actually, I just borrowed the CD from my classmate, and I asked her if she has the second movie of Hills Have Eyes and she was like yeahh, but her cousin was still borrowing it from her so yeah.

Anyway, back to the topic. LOL. It was a perfect weather at a perfect Saturday.. 'till around 2:00 AM. It started drizzling, as what our helped told me. Then it started to rain cats and dogs. She told me that this wasn't like last year that happened in 2008. There was a hurricane last December 2008, and streets were also flooded. But this January 2009, there was no any hurricane or typhoon or anything like it. PAG-ASA says that it is just Cold Front.. and those chain messages saying that in our place, there would be a hurricane/tornado coming or typhoon, it's not true. It's just actually Cold Front. But while I was watching the news, I heard many people say that it was the first time that they encounter like this in our place. Typhoons don't usually cross in our city, but this was the first WITHOUT TYPHOON or anything. Bridges were damaged because they said that a tsunami had formed in the seas. Even if it was low tide, it seemed like it was more than a low tide; more like a HIGH TIDE. Water had been inside people's houses and they were up to the waist part. How high the waters were, actually. Thank God in my subdivision, we were not affected of the 'BAHA' as Visayan people call it. We just experienced cold wind and strong rain. VERY strong rain.

Big trees fell down and even some houses near the beach or rivers or the sea were washed and blown away by the strong wind and rain, and maybe even the tsunami. My mom is really updated; she listens to the local news in the radio everyday. She listens to it at around 4 in the morning. While she was listening to it, I was really bored so I listened to it too. I heard that it was all because of the Black Nazarene that came here. The Black Nazarene is a patron saint in Quiapo, in Luzon, a part of the Philippines. There's a Catholic Church here called Nazareno Church, so maybe that's why the Quiapo priests sent it here to give the people in my city a chance to hold or touch the Black Nazarene thinggy. No offense or anything. It's weird 'coz people believe in this wooden 'replica' of Christ. They say it can heal certain diseases like cancer or any 'sakit'. Hmm, for me, I don't. There is one thing I believe that makes miracles and that is, Christ Himself. Even if I don't see Him, I still believe that He can heal me if I have body problems. So anyway, the people wish for a pleasant weather everyday. But instead, their Black Nazarene gave them very bad weather condition, as what the reactor said in the local news in the radio. I'm like, really? HAHA. Then we should all blame that black wooden thing, LOL. I was just kidding, and no offense.

A while ago, it was still raining hard until it was starting to drizzle, and then sunlight came out. So I was like, happy! And then, it started to be dark again. Dayyymmm. We were supposed to have a PACE Test in Science today. And I don't even know any of the pointers for the exam tomorrow! YES. Our exam's tomorrow, and I didn't even study because our teachers didn't even give us pointers! I'm like, what the? I mean, c'mon. This is an examination, not like a simple quiz or something. And yeah, I was supposed to wear my new Fifa Lanyard today. LOL yeah, my dad bought it in eBay, but I gave him my money. Yes, actually I bought it but he was the one who gave the money to the seller and yeah, I received my Black Germany/Deutschland Fifa Lanyard just about yesterday. LOL, I so love it! My dad didn't recommend me to put in my phone, 'cuz it might come off or someone would easily grab my phone. Instead, I'm using it right now as my ID holder. I am so happy about this.

It's pretty cold here and outside, and that's why I'm writing here. REALLY, REALLY cold. Anyway, I gotta go. I gotta study for my Science PACE test tomorrow! :]

Thanks for reading. Byeeeeee! :D


BEiiAH. ♥

Monday, January 12, 2009
Hey. It's been like months not writing here. I totally forgot about my blog until I saw my best friend's blog.. then I thought of writing again in this blog. :)

So um, my Christmas and New Year was pretty great but it was pretty busy. Nothing much to tell, really. My tita and tito had their Silver Wedding Anniversary at this cool place, LOL. But I thought that it wasn't an anniversary type of thing; I thought that it was like an actual wedding or something. LMAO.

Haha, here's a photo:

Daymm. Spot my ugly face there. LMFAO. ((:

Anyway, I changed my hairstyle too. LOL. What more should I say? Oh yeah, school's cancelled today. Streets were flooded in our city. Water was really high and vehicles couldn't drive because of the flashflood. Oh well, I think there's school tomorrow. Better sleep early. See ya! :D


BEiiAH. ♥

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Hey! :) Really sorry if I wasn't able to write here for a long time.. a month, shall I say? :) Hahaha. Well anyway, school was.. a BLAST. :] Haha. At the first day of school, I was really embarrassed. I mean, I WAS from there since Grade One up to Grade Three. :D I saw my classmates before, Lorraine and Danielle. :] Hahaha. I missed them. Well, I was in the Comfort Room at that time with Krizziel and Alyssa, the BFF's. :) I saw a TOTALLY CUTE GUY. He went inside the Guy's Comfort Room, and I think he was wearing a black shirt at that time, then jeans, then sneakers. And he had an Ipod with him. OMG. When I saw him, I HEART MELTED. OMG, right? :) He was ALSO wearing glasses. He looks good with it though. Nyahaha. :) I asked one of my classmates, who used to be my classmate in Kindergarten before, and her name's Lesette. :) I pointed at the 'GUY' I was talking about.

Lesette said that it was '********* ****'.[Sorry guys, the name's kinda confidential!]. OMG, it's him! Really, so there's this place where students in my school hang out at lunch, it's called Wi-Max. So, Lesette, Krizziel, Alyssa and me went there and thought of a CODE NAME for him, so that it won't be obvious. We called him 'CHiKOii'. :) I dunno. Alyssa just mentioned that word so it was on my head and I thought that Chikoii was the nicest code name for him. :D So OMG. Chikoii. My 'yaya' before even remember Chikoii. He was the guy who rolled on the floor on the rain; then the guy who throws his lunch in the trashcan. :P Whoa, those memories :D. Anyway, he's so cute. :)

There's this guy whom my best friend call 'PBJ'. LOL, Peanut Butter and Jelly? Hahaha. NOPE! ;D It's a confidential reason. So, he asked for my cellphone number, and then the next day, he texted me. :P You know, he likes me and he
courted me. OMG, yes. But nope. I didn't accept his request. So we're not CLICKING. I mean, eww. I don't wan to be in a relationship kaya :P

Well, last Thursday, we had an Acquaintance Party. Of course, there was the 'Induction of Officers'. :) Chikoii's an officer! :D He's a P.I.O officer in his year level. :D PBJ's an officer of.. I dunno. I forgot. :) Well, I was supposed to be the auditor of our class, but someone won and it's okay with me. :) I mean, being an officer is a really hard job you know. :P Well, after the Induction of Officers, everybody was eating foods like Ice Cream, Mango Float, Barbeque, Sotanghon and others. :) Then GAMES. Chikoii joined EVERY GAME. You know why? HE WANTS TO WIN. BTW, did I mention that he knows that I HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM? Yes, he knows. I wonder who said him that I do have a crush on him. :P Still spying and wondering about it :P. Hahaha. Anyway, there's this 'BLANKET' game where old students and new students are separated. Like, on this side, the old students. And the other side, the new students. In the middle, there are two blankets, color white and black. The lights are half-turned off. You have to sit down behind the blanket and the other group shouldn't see you. When the game coordinator says, "1,2,3" then put down the blanket, you have to guess the name of the person. First, it was Alyssa on the other side, and Harris[the guy who has a crush on her], and they didn't know that. They never guessed the names because they were speechless. :P Well, IT WAS MY TURN. I thought it was PBJ on the other side of the blanket. When they put down the blanket, IT WAS CHIKOII on the other side! I was so speechless and there were screaming! OMG. :D Guess what? I cried! :P

Yes, I cried because I'm a little bit embarrassed and shy, but I was kinda happy though. :P Chikoii saw me crying and he felt a bit pity on me. :) Aww.

Yeah. So okay, I'm tired of typing LOL. My back hurts! Ouch! :D Nyahaha. Til here! :) Thanks for reading! ;)


BEiiAH ♥

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hey! :) Well, I don't really have a LOT to tell you this day, but there's something REALLY important I wanna share.

First of all, it started this morning. My mom gave me money for me to go to school, to continue the PACES with Alyssa. I took a shower, dressed up and waited for Alyssa. I waited for like, about ONE HOUR. Yep, you heard that right. ONE HOUR. LOL. I'm like, 'GAWD, Where is Alyssa?' XD. 'Coz you know, my mom and HER mom talked that Alyssa should go to our house and we're gonna ride a jeep to the school TOGETHER. :] I read a book, listen to music on the radio, standing out the garden, just waiting for Alyssa. FINALLY. She arrived.

Well, her explanation was quite good enough. Why she was soooo late? First, her mother scolded her for wearing jeans[in their religion, she's not allowed to, and should wear skirts more often]. Her one and only jeans. X( Second, the tricycle she was riding took long to go in our house. LOL. XD

So yes. We went to the waiting shed area to wait for Jeepneys. There was this empty jeep, going towards us, but I didn't agree. 'Coz it was really empty; no one was riding there. But the songs were okay. REALLY loud.

So we waited and waited, until we saw a jeep. So we rode there. NO MUSIC. XP Yeah, I know. Pretty boring, right? :P Anyway, while we were on the jeep, I had something on my mind: I always remembered my mom praying on her mind while she's on the jeep, for protection. So I did the same thing. I prayed on my mind. As we were in 'Cugman' part of the city, THIS MOTOR DRIVERWAS SPEEDING FAST and the DRIVER of what we are riding lost the brake and THANK GOD. We're alive. But the motor driver was all bloody. It's like, 'HIT && RUN'. The conductor[the one who collects money from people. LOL yes, that's where you pay to when you ride a jeep.], even said, "That's his problem now. Driver, go. Leave him alone." [But actually, that wasn't what he said. He said it in a dialect in my city. I'm just translating it. XD

I'm like, WHAAAT? :P How rude! They shouldn't do that, I don't care if I'm late or not, they should HELP THAT PERSON! :( Alyssa told me that she saw the man bloody, but I didn't. Oh, thank God. We weren't part of an accident or something. I should pray more harder, I think. :( I hope someone saw the incident and help the man and bring him to the hospital. X( On my side was a woman. And she was really panicking. She said, 'Oh My God' and 'In Jesus' Name'. Guess she's REALLY religious, but you know, if my mom was there, she'd say that LOUDER. [If my mom reads this.. well, no offense Mommy! XD]

So okay, when we were in the school, we saw them painting, constructing something, changing the floor, blah blah. X( The teacher said that they couldn't entertain us because they're REALLY busy. They said to come back this MONDAY. O.o Uh-oh. Alyssa and I just spent money for the Jeepney fare and this is what we get? Come on. XP

This isn't good. Monday's the start of our classes. X( Oh anyway. We can't do nothing about it anymore.

So, we went to a place called Wi-Max. It's located beside the school, and it's airconditioned. :] There's an eatery inside and an internet cafe. So Alyssa did pay to surf the internet there for two hours, and I did too, but just for one hour. XP Yeaaah.

LOL. At lunch, we ate at Jolibee. There was sooo plenty of people - actually STUDENTS. XD I went upstairs and I waited for two people to finish there food and after they did, I went to their table and asked the waiter to clean the table up. :] Alyssa was down, paying for the food. :] So yeah, we ate Ice Craze at lunch. I picked the flavor, 'Mais con Hielo' and Alyssa's flavor was, 'Ube Keso'. :] You know why we ate Ice Craze instead of rice and chicken or whatever? It was because, it was REALLY HOT that time. XP

So yeah. After we ate, we went home. XD So that's it. LOL.

Okay, my left hand is aching. And I dunno why. Hahaha. XD

Really, if you read the whole story, then thank you! :]

Til next time! <3


BEiiAH ♥

Monday, June 9, 2008

Your Life Is Worth...


Hey! :] I'm just taking some quizzes for Blogs, and here's one of my faves. I'm really bored, that's why. :] LOL.

Anyway, noticed something? XD Yep. I changed my layout. My friend, Pearl [LOL, special mention! XD], told me that the bandwidth of the background and all, exceeded. XP Yeah, so I decided to pick a new layout, and here it is, and currently loving it. :] Tell me whether is pretty or weird/ugly, I don't mind at all. Post on what you think in my TAGBOARD! ;] Anyway, I chose this layout because I think it's cute. If I'm feeling down, it could probably help me smile. :] And I added a song, it's "That's What You Get" by Paramore. :] I wanna match the layout, the title of the blog and the song. I'm not sure if it's okay. LOL. XD

Anyway, still the same day. [BTW, my mom was supposed to use the computer for the whole day this day. I stole it from her that afternoon. HAHAHA. (: ] Really, I was bored. Totally, completely bored. I watched Mr. Bean's Holiday in HBO a while ago. GAWD, it was HILARIOUS, I tell you! XD Mr. Bean is sooooo a comedian. I heart him. Aww. XD ILY Mr. Bean! Hahaha.

Tomorrow's plans? Alyssa, my best friend, and I.. well, we're going to school for a PACE test. It means that, after you finish a PACE, you can take a PACE test in the school. XD LOL, yes. We were supposed to go, just the two of us. But my mom WILL go, because she has attend some seminar or something. :] And Alyssa's mom just texted MY MOM that she'll go with Alyssa. Pretty complicating, huh? XD

Soooo. Okaaaay. LOL. Sorry if my entry's kinda short. I just have nothing to say. NOTHING. XP.

Kaaaay, till next time! :]


BEiiAH ♥

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Hello. (: Well, I'm sick and tired of brownouts. They kinda annoy me. This started since this morning, until this 6:30 PM. Thank Goodness for light. It saved me.

WELL, still the typical day. As usual, we would always go to church(we never fail to.), and there was this guy called "Eddie Mesa" who preached in our church. Eddie Mesa, father of the famous Cherie Gil, Mikee Gil(I think), and uh.. I forgot the other one. Grandfather of Geoff Eigenmann and his brother. (: Eddie Mesa is "The Elvis Presley of the Philippines". XD

Anyway, when he preached, he sang some Elvis Presley songs and I'm like, XD. The preaching was okay, but it made me sleep a little bit. Hahaha. (:

So yeah. After church, my family didn't go to see him in personal or anything, but we went to the car and to SM straight. (:

My mom, our house helper, Ate Jean and me, brought jackets. We were going to the movies. I wanted to watch Narnia: Prince Caspian, because I heard it's pretty awesome and all(and but of course, I wanna see WILLIAM MOSELEY XD), but we were gonna watch CAREGIVER. XD

I said okay. So we went inside, we didn't eat any popcorn or drink sodas or anything like that.. just watch. XD

One thing I can say about the movie: SAD but a little bit funny(for me). :D I dunno why it's kinda funny for me, but it is. XD Sharon Cuneta was really good at the movie, and I'm like, WOW, when I saw some sights of London that was shown there. (: I just didn't like the "KISS" part. I'm like, EWW. XP

I was grossed out when Sharon needed to clean the old woman's butt. Soooooper funny. Rica Paralejo was there, and she was teaching/informing/telling Sharon(her name is Sarah in the film), to wipe the old woman's butt. When Rica and Sharon argued in Tagalog, the old woman said in British Accent, "Are you talking about me?" I'm like, AWW. (: Rica said, "No, we're just talking about POUNDS." Pounds as in, weight or, Pounds as in, British money? :D I'm kinda confused. XP

The saddest part(for me) in the movie was, when Sharon fed her first client, the old woman. Sharon said, "Open up, eat." The old woman opened her mouth and ate, and Sharon said, "Wow, very good. That's my girl." The old woman said, "Mommy, mommy?" Sharon said, "Yes, dear?" The old woman replied, "MOMMY, why'd you leave me?". I'm like, sad. ):

Anyway, I'm really starting to like Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. (: Everyone says that the book is so amazing, yet it's always "SOLD OUT" in Bookstores. XP

I think the summary is, This Bella Girl went to a school and met a guy named Edward Cullen who's a vampire and I dunno what's next. XD

Anyway, maybe I CAN keep you updated. But not for long. Why? First, school's starting any sooner and I have to finish my advanced PACES. Second, my mom's gonna use the computer for her theory assignments, whatever you call that. XD Third but not the least, I AM NOT GONNA USE THE COMPUTER DURING SCHOOL DAYS, AND MAYBE WEEKENDS. XP Aww.

Till here! (:


BEiiAH ♥

Saturday, June 7, 2008
I was about to write here, when suddenly the electricity went off and then POOF! brownout. XP It was for about 30 minutes I waited and FINALLY there was electricity again. (:

Anyway, it's been a month that I haven't updated my blog. I wasn't online that much here. So I wanna write again, because I'm really bored.

Back to school again. Summer is just like, for two days. In Tagalog, I would really say to myself, "Parang kailan man ang summer." Okay, I can't translate it in English. Hahaha. (: Sorry. I mean, I want summer for long, like five months, not two. (:

Well, I'm an incoming sophomore in High School, and I'm going back to the school where I studied at when I was in First to Third Grade. XP Their curriculum there is totally different. You have to work on your own, not by class. It's what we called PACES. It has no meaning[I guess], but it's like a booklet or workbook, and you have your own cubicle at a classroom. You have your own charts and earn a star sticker, there are different colors, depending on the subject. If you finish one PACE, and you're all done with the PACE, you earn one star sticker. (:

When my parents and I went to the school to enroll me for the upcoming school year, I saw my old teachers. They still recognize me because I think I was an A1 Child before. (: Well, if you're wondering what "A1 Child" is, it's sort of a contest where they check your teeth, if you are perfectly healthy and you have God-given talents. Well, maybe I have some God-given talents, but my teeth is so like :|. I think I'm gonna need braces for real. And perfectly healthy? PUHHLEEZ. Before, I think I went to the clinic about 5 or 6 times, because I had stomach ache, fever and dysmenorrea. I know, I'm not a healthy person. OH YEAAH. Maybe they thought I was a healthy person, because I'm FAT! XP That must be it. Hahaha.

They made me go to a room and check out my pictures when I was in Third Grade and I'm like, WHAAT? That's me? Hahaha. I know. I'm freaked out. I was really fat at that picture, and I'm still fat now. XP

I really did miss my classmates. We were like, sisters and brothers. We were so close with each other. XP They STILL know me. LOL. (:

So far, that enrollment day wasn't my fave day. 'Coz my dad just implemented the 'NO TV, NO COMPUTER' policy. It makes me go 'ARRGH' when I hear it. GAAAAAAH.

Speaking of bad day, there was this one time when my parents and I went to KFC. I looked if there were tables available, because there are a lot of people who're eating. I saw this old lady and her grandson probably, sitting in a table, almost finished eating. And on their side, was an empty table which I thought they sit there. I said, "Excuse me, can I sit here? I'm waiting for my meal." Wonder what she said?

She said, "Miss, there's no Bystanding allowed, I thought it's a policy here." She said it LOUDLY and I was so embarrassed. She said, "You can't sit there. You're Bystanding." I felt angry but embarrassed and I said, "But I'm waiting for my meal." She said, "Okay, sit there".

I was REALLY mad at her. Arrgh. I cried a little bit, but anyway. LOL.

Okay, my back is aching, I need to go now. Til next time! (:


BEiiAH ♥